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A Guide to Following Your Righteous Path

challenge choices clarity courage fulfillment happiness motivation purpose

When I was a teen trying to figure out what I wanted to do from a career standpoint, I had no clue which way to go. I did have some ideas that appealed to me, such as being a stewardess and traveling the world or becoming an interpreter for the UN, but I didn't feel called to any of them with this deep passion and desire. I had also just moved to the US and was trying to find my way in this completely new world where the language was a challenge. I was busy trying to fit in and wanting to be accepted. 

Then I graduated high school and started college. My first year in college was less than optimal. I was at an all-girls school and felt lost. So, at the end of the year, I transferred out to the local campus of my state college and stayed closer to home. It wasn't until the following year that I transferred out to the main campus and finally graduated.

We used to spend our summers back home in the South of France where my grandmother lived, and I ended up working for a small fragrance ingredients company during my last two summers in college and I enjoyed it. But, truth be told, what I loved most was the people I worked with. The industry was interesting. It was also my father and his father's industry. So, when the time came to find a job after graduation, I ended up joining a fragrance house and became the 3rd generation to get into the industry. Again, what I loved most was working in teams and helping the members of the different teams I belonged to succeed.

Fast forward 13 years and I am sitting in an interview for a sales job. At one point in the discussion, he asked me "Why don't you go into HR?" I looked at him like he had 5 heads and I asked him "Why HR?" Well, it turns out that I had spoken so much about helping people that it was natural to him that I would follow that path. Needless to say, I didn't get the job!

Fast forward another 17 years and I left my job to become a full-time coach. Why? Because after years of the universe dropping signs that I refused or was unable to see I finally heard the message: "Go make a difference!”

We have a lot of options in life. We can choose to go to college, get married, have kids, and pursue a career. And those are just the big choices! We also have to make a ton of small decisions every day that add up to who we are. It's easy for our lives to feel out of balance if we go all in, in our careers to the detriment of other areas of our life, such as our health, relationships, and many others. It can leave us feeling depleted, unfulfilled, and like we're working hard, but not really going anywhere. 

That is especially so, if, in addition to that, we feel like we're not living our lives the way we're "supposed" to. So how do you find your righteous path? Let's explore!


What Is A Righteous Path, and Why Should You Follow It?


First, let's define what is a righteous path. Very simply put, it is the path that leads to your highest good. It's the path that will help you fulfill your potential and reach your goals, and avoid making bad choices. Following a righteous path isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. 

That was the case for me, it took 25 years to find my path and another 5 to have the courage to pursue it. The good news is that I haven't looked back since! Do I miss some of the benefits of corporate, no doubt, but today they feel more like golden handcuffs than anything else.


How To Find Your Righteous Path In Life


There are a few things you can do to either confirm you are on the right path, or to find it if you are not.

  1. Know yourself: The first step to finding your righteous path is to know yourself. Get clear on what your values are and what you want out of life. Once you know what you want, it's easier to find the path that will help you get there. I spent the majority of my life without having clearly outlined the values I wanted to live by. That allowed life to dictate where I was going. 

    How about you? Are you steering your ship or are you lost at sea bobbing around without direction? If you need support in defining your values, I'm happy to share with you my "10 Steps to Creating your Life's Blueprint." It helped me tremendously when I finally realized I was in the driver's seat of my life!

  2. Be true to yourself: Don't let anyone else tell you who you are or what you should do with your life. You are the only one who knows what's best for you. So trust your gut and be true to yourself. I remember having a discussion with my coach a few years ago and in response to one of her questions, I said "It's my life and my opinion is the only one that matters!" I remember how good it felt to say this out loud. I remember the smile that spread across my face when I said it out loud. I felt empowered and like someone gave me a shot of courage!

    How about you? Are you living according to your values? Or are you letting other people dictate your worth and how you should live?

  3. Pay attention: I spent 30 years in a career I loved, but which ultimately left me feeling unfulfilled. I felt like this was my path and I was destined to stay there. It wasn't until I divorced in 2011 and started down the personal development path that I realized the universe had been dropping hints along the way. I just hadn’t seen them! Had I paid attention, I would not have missed opportunities that came along my path. 

    How about you? Has the universe been trying to tell you something? Have you been listening? Sometimes those hints can be unnerving because they are a departure from what we know. My invitation to you is not to be afraid to try new things, take risks or imagine different possibilities for yourself. You never know where your righteous path might lead you.

  4. Seek guidance from those who have gone before you: You're not the first one to experience this. Many people have already found their righteous path in life. Learn from their example and let them guide you on your own journey. I had one role model who followed her heart and her passion, who lived her life no holds barred and made no excuses for it. Today, she continues to be a mentor and I am infinitely grateful for her.

    How about you? Are you curious to learn more, experiment, and imagine what your righteous path could be?

  5. Take action: Once you give yourself a resounding "YES!", the only thing left to do is to start walking down the path. When I finally realized “this” was not the life I wanted to live, I took a drastic decision. I left a career I had taken 30 years to build, so I could wake up every morning knowing I was doing what I was meant to do.

    How about you? Are you ready to take that first step, whatever shape that takes for you?


Challenges You Will Face Along the Way


Now. Once you make the decision, it's not going to be all roses and rainbows. You will face challenges. This is to be expected! After all, life is full of ups and downs. The important thing is to not give up. 

Here are some of the challenges you are likely to face:

  1. Making mistakes: As you learn and feel your way through this new path, you will stumble. I do every day.
    Just remember: no one is perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes, even if they don’t feel good in the moment! Learning from them is part of the journey.

  2. Facing opposition: Not everyone will agree with your choices or support you on your journey. I was fortunate to have a strong support system around me who while they might have thought I was crazy, loved me enough to support my decision.
    Just remember: It's your life and your opinion is the only one that matters!

  3. Getting discouraged: Some days, it feels so hard to be on this path. Some weeks, I feel like I’m taking one step forward and two steps back. There will be times when you feel like you're not making any progress.
    Just remember: Keep your eye on the prize and enjoy the journey, When there are days you feel like quitting, take a break, get recharged and get back in the saddle the next day. Just keep moving forward. 

  4. Not reaching your goals overnight: Am I where I expected to be since I left corporate? Not by any stretch of the imagination. Reaching your goals takes time, patience, and perseverance.
    Just remember: Don't give up just because you don't see results right away. Trust that the Universe is conspiring in your favor!

  5. Having to make sacrifices: One of the biggest sacrifices I had to make was to give up the security I felt I had, being in corporate. Following your righteous path will require you to make some sacrifices. You might have to give up things that you love or change your lifestyle.
    Just remember: These sacrifices are worth it in the end.


How To Stay Motivated When Things Get Tough


When things get tough, it's important to know why you're following your righteous path in the first place. So, make sure you are crystal clear about your BIG WHY. Having that clarity and keeping these things front and center will be your motivation to keep going.

It's also helpful to have a support system of friends, family, or a community who can encourage you and help you stay on track. When you feel like giving up, reach out to them for a little boost.

Finally, remember that there is no one right path for everyone. You might have to try different things before you find what works for you. And that's okay! The important thing is to keep moving forward and never give up on yourself.


Final Thoughts


There are many benefits to following your righteous path in life. You will fulfill your potential, live the life you were meant to live, reach your goals, make better choices for yourself, inspire others to do the same, and be happier and more fulfilled.

No matter what challenges you face, never give up on following your righteous path, the one that will lead you to your highest good. So trust your gut, be true to yourself, and have faith that you are on the right track. You got this!

And if you'd like some company on this journey, someone to support you unconditionally. Someone who has been there. Someone who wants you to succeed when you're facing difficulties or when you don't have a support system, connect with me. I'd be happy to be your guide, cheerleader, and partner on this journey.

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