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Aim to Live a Life of Purpose

choices fulfillment growth life change purpose values

51 years. That's how long it took me, not to find my purpose, but to understand when I felt most on purpose. See, for me, the piano of purpose didn’t one day fall on my head and wake me up with a grand, new ambition and desire. Until recently, I’ve lived most of my life in and out of purpose. So, how did I recognize my purpose? It simply started by paying attention to when I felt most in flow, most at ease. I found that I felt most fulfilled when I was helping others. That was my reason for being. 

Now, my purpose hasn’t always been the same. It has evolved over the years. When I was in the early stages of my career, my purpose was to do a good job and show that I brought value to my team. Then, after my divorce, my purpose what to discover who I was and what I really wanted out of life. That led me down the path of personal development and into coaching. After being coached and seeing how much of a difference it made in my life, I knew that I needed to share this gift with others. After looking inward, I turned my attention outward. And in looking outward, I felt like I was home, like I finally knew what I was meant to do.


What Is Purpose?


Purpose doesn’t have to be anything grandiose, nor does it have to be related to a career choice. It can be found in daily actions, in being present, and in engaging with others in a meaningful way.

Whatever your purpose, you need to live it with intention. It is something that needs to be nurtured. It’s not something you have and that stays with you forever, regardless of what you do. For some people it is, but I believe for most, finding or having a purpose is much more elusive. It is also not something you find, but something that lies within you.

It’s also important to understand the difference between passion and purpose. And the difference is a very simple one:

Passion is something that you feel, while purpose is something that you do.

You can feel passionate about something without it being your purpose, but the reverse isn’t the case. Living your purpose is something you should be passionate about when you are engaging in it.


Reasons Why You Might Feel Off Purpose


  1. You may not be living with intention. Don’t let life lead the way. Instead, embrace each day and make the daily decision for how you want to show up for yourself and where you want to take your life. 

  2. You may doing something that leaves you feeling unfulfilled. When we live simply by going through the motions and we don’t get a charge out of what we do, it can feel like empty actions, meaningless endeavors.

  3. You may not be making the difference you want to in the world. Have you asked yourself recently how big a legacy you want to leave? Are you clear on that? If so, what daily actions are you taking that will lead you to that legacy?


Benefits of Living A Life of Purpose


Discontentment, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfillment often come from not living a life that is in alignment with your purpose. The benefits of living in purpose are many and they fall into three categories:

Personal: It brings meaning to your life, increases your happiness and satisfaction, improves your health, makes you more resilient, gives you a sense of control, and boosts your motivation

Others: It helps you connect with others, and make a difference in their lives

Mission: It gives you a sense of direction, allows you to focus your energy on things that matter and makes you feel like you are part of something bigger


How To Find Your Purpose


There is no one answer or method in finding your purpose. It is a journey of self-discovery that looks different for everyone. However, there are some things you can do to help you on your way:

  1. Find what lights you up
    What are the things that make you feel alive and excited? When do you lose track of time because you are so engaged in what you are doing? These are the things you should be pursuing.

  2. Get clear on your values
    Your values are the foundation for your purpose. They guide your decisions and actions, so it is important to be clear on what they are. Once you know your values, you can start aligning your actions with them.
    To help you write your Life’s Blueprint, I’ve created a process to help you on your journey. You can find it here.

  3. Experiment and take risks
    In order to find your purpose, you have to be willing to experiment and take risks. You won’t know what you are meant to do until you try new things. So go out there and explore!

Now what? It is time to make changes, whether big changes or small tweaks. Either way, the goal is to live a life that is in line with your purpose.

Start by evaluating your current situation. Where are the points of disconnect? What must you start doing to ensure you are in alignment with your purpose? 

Then, set some goals for yourself. What are some skills you need to build? What changes do you need to make and what is the roadmap you must put into place. Then, unapologetically take action and at the same time be patient with yourself. 

Measure your progress along the way, celebrating your successes and adjusting as needed.




Finding your purpose is a journey of self-discovery that looks different for everyone. However, there are some things you can do to help you on your way: get clear on your values, experiment and take risks, and find what lights you up. Once you have discovered your purpose, make changes to align with it is important. This might mean making some big changes, or it might mean making small tweaks. Either way, the goal is to live a life that is in line with your purpose, so you can lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

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